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The AICHAIN consortium consists of five partners from four different countries, which complement each other and cover the set of skills and background required to achieve the project objectives, bridging the GAP between ATM and state of the art IT solutions

Know more about us


SITA EWAS Application Services

Project coordinator

SITAEWAS is an innovative company based in Barcelona, Spain, fully centred in providing Airlines with a complete suite of software products to improve flight operations by means of integrating the best reliable weather information into cockpit crew and operational control centers operations. That is, the ‘Enhanced Weather Awareness Solutions’ eWAS product suite  SITA EWAS is fully owned branch of SITA FOR AIRCRAFT (formely SITAONAIR), which is subsidiary of SITA group, the industry expert in powering and innovating the digital transformation of the air transport industry.


Nommon Solutions and Technologies

Nommon is a research-intensive technology company based in Madrid, Spain, specialised in the provision of information, quantitative analysis and decision support tools for the planning and management of transport and traffic systems. Expertise is drawn from disciplines such as computer science, spatial analysis, data science, complexity theory, operations research, and transport and traffic engineering. Nommon's research agenda encompasses three main threads: (i) big data processing and spatio-temporal data analysis; (ii) complex systems modelling and data-driven simulation; and (iii) information visualisation and visual analytics.

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Scaleout Systems AB



Scaleout Systems AB is a research and innovation partner focused on helping organisations put cutting edge machine learning and DevOps technologies into production. Scaleout has an experienced team from both the industry and leading academic researchers in AI and applied machine learning, cloud and fog computing, and scientific computing from Uppsala University. Scaleout have a proven track record delivering large e-infrastructure projects on a national scale.

EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental organisation with 41 Member States, committed to building a Single European Sky that will deliver the ATM performance required for the 21st century. EUROCONTROL plays a number of key roles, including the Network Management role. It also supports the European Commission, EASA and National Supervisory Authorities in their regulatory activities, and is a major player in European ATM research, development and validation activities, making the largest contribution to the SESAR Joint Undertaking.


Swiss International Air Lines

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) is the national airline of Switzerland and serves over 100 destinations in 44 countries all over the world from its Zurich hub and the further Swiss international airport of Geneva. With a fleet of 99 aircrafts, SWISS transports around 17 million passengers every year.
SWISS is committed on various fronts to the careful and sustainable use of natural resources and pursues a responsible attitude towards the environment as an integral part of its corporate culture.

Image by Jackson Hayes
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